Term 3 2017

Exciting times as the reception students begin their Indonesian learning through TPRS. We will start with a story about Elsa and Batman.

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Batman.

Batman di Cheeky Ratbags.

Ada perempuan.  Nama dia Elsa.

Elsa di Cheeky Ratbags juga.

Elsa berkata ‘Halo.  Siapa nama?’

Batman berkata ‘Nama saya Batman.  Siapa nama?’

Elsa berkata ‘Nama saya Elsa.’

Batman berkata ‘Elsa?  Dari Frozen?  ASTAGA!!’

There is a boy.  His name is Batman.

Batman is at Cheeky Ratbags.

There is a girl.  Her name is Elsa.

Elsa is at Cheeky Ratbags also.

Elsa says ‘Hello.  What’s your name?’

Batman says ‘My name is Batman.  What’s your name?’

Elsa says ‘My name is Elsa.’

Batman says ‘Elsa?  From Frozen?  OH MY GOSH!!’


For the older year levels we are looking at two stories this term.  

The first one is called Pak Bean, and focuses on the words bisa-can; tidak bisa-can’t; tetapi-but; jangan-don’t; gila-crazy; pandai-clever; bodoh-stupid and some verbs (swim, play, fly, sing, speak).


Pak Bean

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Pak Bean.  Pak Bean bodoh.  Pak Bean bodoh sekali!!

Pak Bean pergi ke rumah Ibu Sharon.  Ibu Sharon pandai!!!

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah kucing bisa berenang?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Kucing tidak bisa berenang tetapi Dory bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah babi bisa terbang?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Babi tidak bisa terbang tetapi Superman bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah burung bisa bermain bola basket?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Burung tidak bisa bermain bola basket tetapi LeBron James bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah orangutan bisa berkata bahasa Indonesia?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Orangutan tidak bisa berkata bahasa Indonesia tetapi saya bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah Justin Beiber bisa menyanyi?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Justin Beiber tidak bisa menyanyi tetapi Joko Widodo bisa!’


Mr Bean

There is a boy.  His name is Mr Bean.  Mr Bean is stupid.  Mr Bean is very stupid!!

Mr Bean goes to Ibu Sharon’s house.  Ibu Sharon is smart!!

Mr Bean says ‘Can cats swim?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Cats can’t swim but Dory can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can pigs fly?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Pigs can’t fly but Superman can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can birds play basketball?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Birds can’t play basketball but LeBron James can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can orangutans speak Indonesian?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Orangutans can’t speak Indonesian but I can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can Justin Beiber sing?’  

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Justin Beiber can’t sing but Joko Widodo can!’


Our second story for the term is called ‘Jangan Gila’, and has been designed to focus on verbs, places at school and days of the week.


Jangan gila!

Moe, Larry dan Curly teman.  Mereka suka bermain bersama.  Mereka bersekolah di VHR7. Pada hari Senin mereka bermain di lapangan.  Di lapangan mereka lihat pohon.  Pohon itu melompat!  Mereka takut dan berlari ke kelas bahasa Indonesia.

Di kelas bahasa Indonesia mereka berkata ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon! Di lapangan ada pohon bisa melompat!’  

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Pohon-pohon tidak bisa melompat!’

Pada hari Selasa mereka pergi ke perpustakaan.  Di perpustakaan mereka lihat buku.  Buku itu menyanyi!  Mereka takut dan berlari ke kelas bahasa Indonesia.

Di kelas bahasa Indonesia mereka berkata ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  Di perpustakaan ada buku bisa menyanyi!’  


Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Buku-buku tidak bisa menyanyi!’

Pada hari Rabu mereka bermain di ruang olah raga.  Di ruang olah raga mereka lihat tempat sampah.  Tempat sampah itu berdansa!  Mereka takut dan berlari ke kelas bahasa Indonesia.  

Di kelas bahasa Indonesia mereka berkata ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  Di ruang olah raga ada tempat sampah bisa berdansa!’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Tempat sampah tidak bisa berdansa!’

Pada hari Kamis mereka pergi ke kantin.  Di kantin mereka lihat pintu.  Pintu itu berkata ‘Halo!  Apa kabar?’  Mereka takut dan berlari ke kelas bahasa Indonesia.

Di kelas bahasa Indonesia mereka berkata ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  Di kantin ada pintu bisa berkata!’  

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila! Pintu-pintu tidak bisa berkata!’

Pada hari Jumat Ibu Sharon pergi ke ruang staf.  Dia lihat pohon melompat, buku menyayi, tempat sampah berdansa dan pintu berkata ‘Halo!’  Ibu Sharon takut dan berlari ke Pak Robins.  

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Saya mau liburan!’


Dont be crazy!

Moe, Larry and Curly are friends.  They like to play together.  They go to school at VHR7. On Monday they play on the oval.  On the oval they see a tree.  The tree jumps!  They are scared and run to the Indonesian room.

In the Indonesian room they say ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  On the oval there is a tree that can jump!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Trees can’t jump!’

On Tuesday they go to the library.  At the library they see a book.  The book sings!  They are scared and run to the Indonesian room.

In the Indonesian room they say ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  In the library is a book that can sing!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Books can’t sing!’

On Wednesday they play in the gym.  In the gym they see a bin.  The bin dances.  They are scared and run to the Indonesian room.

In the Indonesian room they say ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  In the gym is a bin that can dance!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!’  Bins can’t dance!’

On Thursday they go to the canteen.  At the canteen they see a door.  The door says ‘Hello.  How are you?’  They are scared and run to the Indonesian room.

In the Indonesian room they say ‘Ibu Sharon, Ibu Sharon!  At the canteen is a door that can talk!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Doors can’t talk!’

On Friday Ibu Sharon is going to the staff room.  She sees a tree jumping, a book singing, a bin dancing and a door saying ‘Hello!’  Ibu Sharon is scared and runs to Mr Robins.

Ibu Sharon says ‘I want a holiday!’



Posted on September 6, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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