New blog!

I’ve created a new blog… still called Ibu Sharon’s Indo Update….at edublogs instead of wordpress.  There were a number of reasons for the switch but mostly because of an upgrade and more features available.   So come on over!!  All the online learning for term 2 will be there.

Ibu Sharon’s Indo Update at edublogs!


Kahoot time!

So…its the end of term and the students at school are playing Kahoot!  So I think the students at home should too!

This link for the year 4, 5, 6 and 7′ s will take you to the kahoot created by Bu Karlie, about the term 1 story ‘Dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

REMEMBER:  When it asks for a nickname, don’t put your proper name in, use a nickname like teddy bear instead!

If the link does not work, go to the kahoot website and use this pin 0289136 to get started.


This link can be used by the year 1, 2 and 3’s for a kahoot created by me (Ibu Sharon) about the story ‘Kerudung merah.’


If the link does not work, go to the kahoot websit and use this pin 0368779 to get started.

Indonesian at home

With times like they are at the moment, I thought I’d provide some links that might be helpful in learning Indonesian from home.


A great youtube channel to look at some fun Indonesian stories is Indonesian Fun for Juniors.


Languages online Indonesian offers some online games and printable worksheets.  Start with lesson one and work your way through.  This can also be downloaded as an app for devices.


The Let’s Read Asia website allows you to select books in Indonesian.  Start with the low level readers and have a go! 


Rasa Bahasa is available as an app or follow the link to access online.


Selamat belajar!

Ibu Sharon & Bu Hannah







Term 1 2020

Welcome to my blog… if you haven’t seen it before.  This is where I put information about what my students have been learning in Indonesian.  If you want more information about what is happening please feel free to come in a see me.  I”m always pleased when someone wants to find out a bit more about my little corner of the school!!

Middle and Upper Primary students this term will be looking at a story called ‘Dua Orangutan yang lucu sekali.’  This story is by Andrea Truckenbrodt, Jane Liauw and
Brett Willis, in conjunction with the Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross-Cultural Communication at Melbourne University.  I have tweaked this story to make it more suitable to my students.  The purpose of this story is to revise numbers, colours and family.  The story will also give us the opportunity to look at Indonesian food, flora and fauna.  The story includes some new target structures kalian-you (plural); teman-friend; bersama-sama-together; selalu-always; yang-that/which; lucu-cute/funny and banyak-lots.


Dua Orang Utan yang lucu sekali

Di hutan di Sumatra tinggal dua orang utan.  Namanya Lina dan Budi.

Lina dan Budi teman.  Mereka selalu bersama-sama.

Pada hari Senin Lina makan satu mangga jingga karena dia lapar.  Budi makan juga. 

Ibu berkata ‘Kalian dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

Pada hari Selasa Lina makan dua apel hijau karena dia lapar.  Budi makan juga. 

Bapak berkata ‘Kalian dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

Pada hari Rabu Lina makan tiga pisang kuning karena dia lapar.  Budi makan juga. 

Adik berkata ‘Kalian dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

Pada hari Kamis Lina makan empat rambutan merah karena dia lapar.  Budi makan juga. 

Kakak berkata ‘Kalian dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

Pada hari Jumat Lina dan Budi makan lima kelapa coklat. 

Kakek berkata ‘Kalian dua orangutan yang lucu sekali.’

Pada hari Sabtu ada pesta. 

Di pesta Lina dan Budi makan nasi, mie goreng, sate, krupuk dan kue. 

Aduh, Lina dan Budi makan terlalu banyak.  Mereka sakit sekali.

Pada hari Minggu Lani mau tangkap harimau. Dan Budi?  Dia juga.

Lina dan Budi dua orang utan yang lucu sekali.

Two Orangutans that are very funny

In the jungle in Sumatra live two orangutans.  They’re names are Lina and Budi.

Lina and Budi are friends.  They are always together.

On Monday Lina eats one orange mango, because she is hungry.  Budi eats too.

Mum says ‘You are two orangutans that are very funny!’

On Tuesday Lina eats two green apples, because she is hungry.  Budi eats too.

Dad says ‘You are two orangutans that are very funny!’

On Wednesday Lina eats three yellow bananas, because she is hungry.  Budi eats too.

Younger sibling says ‘You are two orangutans that are very funny!’

On Thursday Lina eats four red rambutan, because she is hungry.  Budi eats too.

Older sibling says ‘You are two orangutans that are very funny!’

On Friday Lina and Budi eat five green coconuts, because they are hungry.

Grandpa says ‘You are two orangutans that are very funny!’

On Saturday there is a party.

At the party Budi and Lina eat rice, fried noodles, satay, prawn crackers, and cake.

Oh no, Lina and Budi have eaten too much.  They are very sick.

On Sunday Lina wants to catch a tiger.  And Budi?  Him too.

Lina and Budi are two orangutans that are very funny!


Junior Primary students are focusing on a story called Kerundung Merah.’  This is an Indonesian version of Little Red Riding Hood (credit goes to Anne McKelvie). Using a familiar story will help to support understanding of new words.  This story gives us opportunity for revision of last year vocab, as well as building in some new target structures.


Kerundung Merah

Ada perempuan.  Nama perempuan kerudung merah.

Kerudung merah mau lihat nenek.

Nenek tinggal di rumah di hutan.

Di hutan ada srigala.  Srigala lapar.

Srigala lihat Kerudung merah dan mau makan Kerudung merah.

Srigala berlari cepat ke rumah nenek.

Di rumah nenek Kerudung merah ketok, ketok, ketok.

Nenek berkata ‘Ayo!’  Kerudung merah lihat nenek.  ‘Astaga!’

Nenek punya mata besar! Nenek punya hidung besar!  Nenek punya telinga besar!  Nenek punya gigi besar!

BUKAN nenek….Srigala!  ‘Astaga!’

Srigala berkata ‘Saya mau makan Kerudung merah!’

Ada Laki-laki berjalan kaki di hutan.  Laki-laki dengar Kerudung merah berkata ‘Astaga!’

Laki-laki lihat srigala lapar di rumah nenek.  Laki-laki marah.

Srigala lihat laki-laki dan berlari ke hutan.

Nenek dan Kerudung merah berkata ‘Terima kasih!’


Little Red Riding Hood

There was a girl.  The girl’s name was Red Riding Hood.

Red Riding Hood wanted to see her grandmother.

Grandmother lived in a house in the forest.

In the forest there was a wolf.  The wolf was hungry.

The wolf looked at Red Riding Hood and wanted to eat Red Riding Hood.

The wolf ran fast to grandmothers house.

At grandmothers house, Little Red Riding Hood went knock, knock, kncok.

Grandmother said ‘Come in!’  Red Riding Hood saw grandmother.  ‘Oh my gosh!’

Grandmother had big eyes!  Grandmother had a big nose!  Grandmother had big ears!  Grandmother had big teeth!

NOT Grandmother……wolf!  ‘Oh my gosh!’

Wolf said ‘I want to eat Red Riding Hood!’

There was a boy walking in the forest.  The boy heard Red Riding Hood say “Oh my gosh!’

The boy saw the hungry wolf at Grandmother’s house.  The boy was mad.

The wolf saw the boy and ran into the forest.

Grandmother and Red Riding Hood said ‘Thank you!’


Reception students will begin by looking at greetings, colours, numbers, instructional language (duduk, berdiri, terima kasih, sama-sama),  and talking about ourselves (nama, saya, suka).  We will then look at a simple story called Orang Utan Lapar, combining some of that new language.


Orang Utan Lapar

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan satu limon kuning

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan dua apel hijau

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan tiga rambutan merah

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan empat mangga jingga

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan lima eskirm ungu.

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan enam hotdog biru.

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan tujuh sosis coklat.

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan delapan hamburger merah muda.

Orang utan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan sembilan coklat putih.

Orangutan lapar.  Orang utan makan apa?

Orang utan makan sepuluh jellybean hitam.

Orang utan sakit!


The Hungry Orangutan

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats one yellow lemon.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats two green apples.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats three red rambutan.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats four orange mangoes.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats five purple ice creams.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats six blue hotdogs.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats seven brown sausages.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats eight pink hamburgers.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats nine white chocolates.

Orangutan is hungry.  What should orangutan eat?

Orangutan eats ten black jellybeans.

Orangutan is sick!






Term 4 2019

ASTAGA!  I can’t believe how well students are picking up the target language.  I’m so very proud of my students this year.  They have worked very hard and have done an amazing job at acquiring Indonesian!  So we are already at Term 4 and being a short and very busy term, I’ve tried to keep the new vocabulary to a minimum and focus on revision of what we have been learning over the last three terms.


Middle and upper primary students will be learning a cumulative story called ‘Adi menonton televise-Adi watches television’ that revises a lot of the vocabulary we have been learning this year.

Adi menonton televisi

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil tas?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil pensil?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil buku?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil makan siang?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton teleisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil botol air?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil sepatu bola basket?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil topi?’

Adi berkata ‘Sduah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah jam delapan!  Ayo!  Pergilah ke sekolah cepat-cepat!’

Adi ambil tas.  Adi berlari ke sekolah.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Di mana pensil, buku, makan siang, botol air, sepatu bola basket dan topi Adi?’

Ada berkata ‘Tidak ada!  Astaga!!’


Junior primary students will be looking at a story called ‘Monyet di rumah.’  This story revises the vocab of family and verbs, as well as introducing vocabulary talking about rooms and objects in a house (toilet-kamar kecil, garage-garasi, tempat tidur-bed etc).


Aduh!  Ada monyet di rumah!

Ada monyet di ruang makan.  Monyet minum jus Ibu!

Ibu berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  Monyet berlari ke…….


Dapur.  Ada monyet di dapur.  Monyet makan cornflakes adik!

Adik berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  Monyet berlari ke………


Ruang keluarga.  Ada monyet di ruang keluarga.  Monyet berdansa di kursi Nenek!

Nenek berkata ‘Aduh! Keluar!’  Monyet berlari ke ………


Garasi.  Ada monyet di garasi.  Monyet melempar sepatu Bapak!

Bapak berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  Monyet berlari ke……


Kamar mandi.  Ada monyet di kamar mandi.  Monyet duduk di toilet.  Kakak mau mandi.

Kakak berkata ‘Aduh keluar!’  Monyet berlari ke…….


Kamar tidur saya.  Ada monyet di kamar tidur saya.  Monyet tidur di tempat tidur. 

Ibu berkata ‘Kasihan monyet!’

Bapak berkata ‘Dia capek!’

Kakak dan adik berkata ‘Dia lucu!’

Nenek berkata ‘Diam!’

Saya berkata ‘Di mana saya tidur?’


Reception students will be learning Indonesian adjectives and verbs through a story called ‘Di mana kodok biru?’  This story will give us an opportunity to revise colours, feelings and verbs as well as introducing some new words like cepat-fast and pelan-slow.


Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok merah.  Ini kodok hijau.  Ini kodok ungu.  Ini kodok kuning.  

Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok bermain.  Ini kodok berdiri.  Ini kodok berdansa.  Ini kodok berlari.  

Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok senang.  Ini kodok sedih.  Ini kodok marah.  Ini kodok capek.  Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok makan.  Ini kodok minum.  Ini kodok cepat-cepat.  Ini kodok pelan-pelan.

Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok kecil.  Ini kodok besar.  Ini kodok dingin.  Ini kodok panas.

Di mana kodok biru?

Ini kodok lapar.  Ini kodok haus.  Ini kodok gila.  Ini kodok sakit.

Di sini kodok biru!


Term 3 2019

Wow, wow, wow!  I’ve just returned from a CI (Comprehensible Input) Conference in Agen, France.  I have learnt sooo much, and I can’t wait to put some of it into practice.

Agen, France (on the one cooler day that I could go for a rainy but worth it walk).

So for this term we have a story called At the movies.  The purpose of this story is to look at descriptions of people and prepositions of place.  The story includes revision of some previously learnt vocab as well as some extension of verbs (tertawa-laugh; membeli-buy; pakai-wear; datang-come; keluar-exit/leave).


Pada hari Sabtu malam, Hermoine pergi ke Victor Cinema.  Dia mau menonton Emoji film.  Di Victor Cinema, dia membeli popcorn dan duduk di tengah.  Dia tidak mau duduk terlalu dekat dan tidak mau terlalu jauh. Dia mau duduk di tengah karena tengah pas kalau mau menonton film. 

Di sebelah kanan ada laki-laki kecil.  Dia botak dan punya hidung besar.  Dia pakai celana coklat dan kemeja putih.  Dia kentut terus!  Hermoine berkata ‘Diam!’

Di sebelah kiri ada laki-laki besar.  Dia berambut pirang dan pakai jaket dan dasi merah.  Dia bercakap-cakap terus pakai HP.  Hermoine berkata ‘Diam!’

Di sebelah belakang ada dua perempuan.  Satu berambut pirang and satu berambut merah.  Mereka pakai rok dan bercakap-bercakap terus.  Hermoine berkata ‘Diam!’ 

Di sebelah depan ada lima anak nakal.  Mereka pakai overall biru dan kacamata.  Mereka tertawa terus!  Hermoine berkata ‘Diam!’

Film mulai dan Hermoine senang.  Popcorn Hermoine jatuh.  Heroine berkata ‘ADUH!!’  Spongebob, Donald Trump, Elsa, Arna dan minions berkata ‘DIAM!!’

Boss Victor Cinema datang dan berkata ‘Keluar!’  Hermoine keluar!  Hermoine sedih!



On Saturday night, Hermoine goes to the Victor Cinema.  She wants to watch the Emoji movie.  At the Victor Cinema, she buys popcorn and sits in the middle.  She doesn’t want to sit too close and doesn’t want to sit too far away.  She wants to sit in the middle because the middle is perfect for watching a movie.

On the right there is a small boy.  He is bald and has a big nose.  He wears brown pants and a white shirt.  He farts constantly!  Hermoine says ‘Be quiet!’

On the left is a big boy.  He has blonde hair and wears and jacket and a red tie.  He talks constantly on his mobile phone.  Hermoine says ‘Be quiet!’

Behind are two girls.  One has blonde hair and one has red hair.  They wear dresses and chat constantly.  Hermoine says ‘Be quiet!’

In front there is five naughty boys.  They wear blue overalls and glasses.  They laugh constantly!  Hermoine says ‘Be quiet!’

The film starts and Hermoine is happy.  Hermoine’s popcorn falls.  Hermoine says ‘OH NO!!’  Spongebob, Donald Trump, Elsa, Arna and the minions all say ‘BE QUIET!!’

The boss of the Victor Cinema comes and says ‘Leave!’  Hermoine leaves!  Hermoine is sad!


For Junior Primary we are looking at the ‘Pak Bean’ story.  Always a winner!

Pak Bean

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Pak Bean.  Pak Bean bodoh.  Pak Bean bodoh sekali!!

Pak Bean pergi ke rumah Ibu Sharon.  Ibu Sharon pandai!!!

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah kucing bisa berenang?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Kucing tidak bisa berenang tetapi Dory bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah babi bisa terbang?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Babi tidak bisa terbang tetapi Superman bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah burung bisa bermain bola basket?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Burung tidak bisa bermain bola basket tetapi LeBron James bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah orangutan bisa berkata bahasa Indonesia?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Orangutan tidak bisa berkata bahasa Indonesia tetapi saya bisa!’

Pak Bean berkata ‘Apakah Justin Beiber bisa menyanyi?’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Justin Beiber tidak bisa menyanyi tetapi Joko Widodo bisa!’


Mr Bean

There is a boy.  His name is Mr Bean.  Mr Bean is stupid.  Mr Bean is very stupid!!

Mr Bean goes to Ibu Sharon’s house.  Ibu Sharon is smart!!

Mr Bean says ‘Can cats swim?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Cats can’t swim but Dory can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can pigs fly?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Pigs can’t fly but Superman can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can birds play basketball?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Birds can’t play basketball but LeBron James can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can orangutans speak Indonesian?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Orangutans can’t speak Indonesian but I can!’

Mr Bean says ‘Can Justin Beiber sing?’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Justin Beiber can’t sing but Joko Widodo can!’


The Receptions this term will be looking at Anne McKelvie’s totally gorgeous story called ‘Banyak donut.’  I’m looking forward to having some fun with this one!


Banyak donut By Anne McKelvie

Ini buaya.

Buaya suka makan donut.

Buaya ambil donut Ibu Sharon.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Jangan ambil donut, buaya!’

Buaya ambil donut Pak Kenny.

Pak Kenny berkata ‘Jangan ambil donut, buaya!’

Buaya ambil donut Pak Robins.

Pak Robins berkata ‘Jangan ambil donut, buaya!’

Ibu Sharon punya ide.

Ibu Sharon dan buaya pergi ke Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Buaya ambil banyak donut.

Buaya makan satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima donut.  Buaya makan banyak donut.

Buaya sakit.

Buaya muntah!


Lots of Donuts!  By Anne McKelvie

This is crocodile.

Crocodile likes to eat donuts.

Crocodile takes Ibu Sharon’s donut.

Ibu Sharon says ‘Don’t take my donut, crocodile!’

Crocodile takes Mr Kenny’s donut.

Mr Kenny says ‘Don’t take my donut, crocodile!’

Crocodile takes Mr Robin’s donut.

Mr Robin’s says ‘Don’t take my donut crocodile!’

Ibu Sharon has an idea.

Ibu Sharon and crocodile go to Kripsy Kreme Donuts.

Crocodile takes lots of donuts.

Crocodile eats one, two, three, four, five donuts.  Crocodile eats lots of donuts.

Crocodile is sick.

Crocodile vomits!




Term 2 2019

The story for the middle and upper primary students this term is a bit of an experiement.  I have been feeling that we need to challenge our older classes as their vocabulary builds up.  So I’m trying a story from a resource called Quirky Comics (created by the Department of Education NSW).  It may need to be simplified for my younger classes but I’ll see how we go!


Wah!  Jam enam.  Aduh, ada ujian di sekolah hari ini.

Di mana tas saya ?  Tidak ada.  Tidak ada di lemari.

Ini tas saya.

Aduh, tidak ada cornflakes.  Tidak ada susu!  Roti panggang tidak enak!  Aduh, ada lalat dalam es jeruk! 

Sudah siap.  Saya mau naik bus.  Aduh baunya!  Aduh!  Ada air!  Aduh, busnya tidak berhenti.

Ah, tidak apa-apa!  Saya jalan kaki di sekolah.

Sepi sekali hari ini di sekolah.

Maaf, Pak.  Siswa-siswa sudah masuk kelas?

Oh tidak, hari ini hari Minggu!  Hari Minggu tidak ada sekolah.

Aduh, hari ini hari Minggu.  Wah saya bodoh!!

Oh No!

Wah!  Six o’clock.  Oh no, there is a test at school today.

Where is my bag?  Not here.  Not in the cupboard.

This is my bag.

Oh no, there is no cornflakes.  There is no milk!  The toast isn’t delicious!  Oh no, there is a fly in my orange juice!

Ready.  I want to go on the bus.  Oh no the smell!  Oh no! The water!  Oh no, the bus is not stopping.  Ah, no problem!  I will walk to school.

Its very quiet today at school.

Sorry, Sir.  Have the students already gone into class?

Oh no, today is Sunday!  There isn’t school on Sunday.

Oh no, today is Sunday.  Wah I’m stupid!!

The story for my junior primary students is an older Indonesian teacher resource called ‘Keluarga Saya’ by Anne Helyard.  I have adapted the story slightly to fit with the vocabulary my students already know.

Keluarga Sayaoleh Anne Helyard

Halo, nama saya Beni.  Umur saya tujuh tahun.  Rambut saya jingga.  Saya suka eskrim coklat.

Ini kakak saya.  Nama dia Ronto.  Umur Ronto duabelas tahun.  Ronto suka bermain bola basket.

Ini adik saya.  Nama dia Tuti.  Umur Tuti empat tahun.  Tuti suka berdansa.

Ini ibu saya.  Dia suka pakai topi besar.

Ini bapak saya.  Dia kuat sekali.  Dia suka King Kong.

Ini nenek saya.  Dia punya rambut ungu.

Ini kakek saya.  Dia pakai kacamata.  Kakek pandai masak pisang goreng.

My family – by Anne Helyard

Hello, my name is Beni.  My age is seven years old.  I have orange hair.  I like chocolate ice cream.

This is my older sibling.  His name is Ronto.  Ronto’s age is twelve years old.  Ronto likes to play basket ball.

This is my younger sibling.  her name is Tuti.  Tuti’s age is four years old.  Tuti likes to dance.

This is my mother.  She likes to wear big hats.

This is my father.  He is very strong.  He likes King Kong.

This is my grandma.  She has purple hair.

This is my grandpa.  he wears glasses.  He is clever at cooking fried bananas.

My receptions are so successful this year.  Many of them have been doing the ELLA program at the local kindergarten which has made a significant difference.  They are also getting 2 lessons a week now instead of one, which equates to 100 minutes of Indonesian language learning.  I’m very proud of them!  They are going to learn 2 stories (if we have time) this term.   The two stories are ‘Harimau makan Elsa! – The tiger eats Elsa!’ (by Anne McKelvie) and ‘Lima Buaya – Five Crocodiles.’  I’ve posted these stories in Term 3 and Term 4 2018 (when we’d normally get to it)!

Harimau makan Elsa!

Lima Buaya               


Term 1 2019

It’s been a busy 2019 and the students haven’t even arrived back yet!! We hosted a TCI Conference here at Victor Harbor R-7 over the holidays.  We had 3 international presenters (Blaine Ray, Margarita Perez-Garcia and Amy Vander Deen) and 75 participants from all over Australia including 1 from Indonesia (terima kasih Pak Nyoman)!  Personally, I got a lot out of the conference, and the feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, so I’m feeling very grateful that everything went so smoothly!

But now, we are back into it.  I’ve got 2 stories planned for this term.  An extended story that revises mau, punya, kasih, makan, minum for the JPs, called ‘Batman Lapar.’ The second story for MP and UP is also a revision story called ‘Sudah makan.’  We will spend a significant about of time on Kursi Luar Biasa so that we can confidently talk about ourselves and our likes and dislikes by the end of the term.  Receptions will be introduced to Indonesia and Indonesian by looking at some geography, culture, numbers, colours and routines.


Sudah makan?

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Budi.

Budi suka makan nasi.

Ibu Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan atau belum? ‘ 

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Ibu Budi berkata ‘Mau makan sop?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan sop.  Saya mau makan nasi!’

Bapak Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Bapak Budi berkata ‘Mau makan pizza?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan pizza.  Saya mau makan nasi!’

Nenek Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Nenek Budi berkata ‘Mau makan mangga?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan mangga.  Saya mau makan nasi!’

Kakek Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Kakek Budi berkata ‘Mau makan sate?’

Budi berkata Tidak!  Saya tidak mau mkaan sate.  Saya mau makan nasi!’

Kakak Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Kakak Budi berkata ‘Mau makan eskrim?’

Budi berkata Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan es krim.  Saya mau makan nasi!’

Budi makan nasi di warung.

Ibu, Bapak, Nenek, Kakek dan Kakak berkata ‘Budi!  Kami masak nasi.  Mau makan?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya sudah makan!!’


Have you already eaten?

There is a boy.  His name is Budi.

Budi likes to eat rice.

Budi’s Mum says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten or not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Mum says ‘Do you want to eat soup?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat soup.  I want to eat rice!’

Budi’s Dad says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Dad says ‘Do you want to eat pizza?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat pizza.  I want to eat rice!’

Budi’s Grandma says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Grandma says ‘Do you want to eat mango?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat mango.  I want to eat rice!’

Budi’s Grandpa says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Grandpa says ‘Do you want to eat satay?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat satay.  I want to eat rice!’

Budi’s older sibling says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Buid says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s older sibling says ‘Do you want to eat ice cream?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat ice cream.  I want to eat rice!’

Budi eats rice at a warung (small shop).

Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and older sibling say ‘Budi!  We have cooked rice.  Do you want to eat?’

Budi says ‘No.  I’ve already eaten!!’


Batman Lapar

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Batman.

Batman tniggal di Gotham City. 

Batman lapar sekali.  Batman mau makan pizza.

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Joker.

Joker tinggal di Gotham City juga. 

Joker nakal tetapi dia pandai masak pizza.

Joker punya restoran pizza.

Joker punya banyak pizza.

Batman pergi ke restoran Joker. 

Batman berkata ‘Saya mau beli pizza’.

Joker kasih Batman 1 pizza.

Batman makan 1 pizza.

Batman berkata ‘Saya masih lapar’.

Joker kasih Batman 10 pizza.

Batman makan 10 pizza.

Batman berkata ‘Saya masih lapar’.

Joker kasih Batman 100 pizza.

Batman makan 100 pizza.  Batman berkata ‘Saya sakit’.

Sekarang Joker adalah boss Gotham City.

Batman Fatman di rumah sakit!


Batman is hungry

There is a boy.  His name is Batman.

Batman lives in Gotham City.

Batman is very hungry.  Batman wants to eat pizza.

There is a boy.  His name is Joker.

Joker lives in Gotham City too.

Joker is naughty but clever at cooking pizza.

Joker has a pizza restaurant.

Joker has lots of pizza.

Batman goes to Joker’s restaurant.

Batman says ‘I want to buy pizza.’

Joker gives Batman one pizza.

Batman eats one pizza.

Batman says ‘I’m still hungry!’

Joker gives Batman ten pizzas.

Batman eats ten pizzas.

Batman says ‘I’m still hungry!’

Joker gives Batman 100 pizzas.

Batman eats 100 pizzas.  Batman says ‘I’m sick.’

Now Joker is the boss of Gotham City.

Batman is a fat man in the hosipital!

Term 4 2018


This term student learning for the older grades will be based around a text called ‘Bercakap-cakap terus-Chats constantly!’  This is a version of Anne Matava’s story scripts ‘Talks too much!’  The story below was created with help from the 6/7 Hayward class.  The middle primary classes will be doing a modified version of the same story.

Through this story students will be able to listen to texts and show comprehension through a variety of activities to identify the vocabulary of bercakap-cakap-chats; selalu-always; datang-come; keluar-exit; juga-also; kepada-to (person); membaca-read; sekolah-school and perpustakaan-library. They will use the vocabulary to relate it to themselves and their classroom environments; and work with modeled language to create texts.


Sharpay tidak diam!

Ada peremuan.  Nama dia Sharpay. 

Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap.  Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus!

Sharpay pergi ke Victa Cinema. 

Ryan pergi ke Victa Cinema juga, karena Ryan mau memonton film. 

Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap. Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus kepada Ryan. 

Ryan berkata ‘Diam!  Jangan bercakap-cakap!’

Tetapi Sharpay tidak diam.  Boss datang dan berkata ‘Keluar!’ Sharpay keluar.

Sharpay pergi ke perpustakaan. 

Tory pergi ke perpustakaan juga, karena Troy mau membaca buku.

Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap. Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus kepada Troy. 

Troy berkata ‘Diam!  Jangan bercakap-cakap!’

Tetapi Sharpay tidak diam.  Ibu Sarah datang.  Ibu Sarah berkata ‘Keluar!’  Sharpay keluar.

Sharpay pergi ke doktor gigi, karena Sharpay punya sakit gigi.

Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap.  Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus kepada doktor gigi.

Doktor gigi mau lihat gigi Sharpay.  Doktor gigi berkata ‘Diam!  Jangan bercakap-cakap!’ 

Tetapi Sharpay tidak diam.  Doktor gigi berkata ‘Keluar!’  Sharpay keluar.

Sharpay pergi ke sekolah.  Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap! 

Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus kepada Pak Robins. Pak Robins mau kerja. 

Pak Robins berkata ‘Diam!n Jangan bercakap-cakap!’ 

Tetapi Sharpay tidak diam.  Pak Robins berkata ‘Keluar!  Pergi ke Ibu Sharon!’

Sharpay pergi ke kelas Ibu Sharon. Sharpay selalu bercakap-cakap!

Sharpay bercakap-cakap terus kepada Ibu Sharon!

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘ASTAGA!  Sharpay luar biasa dan pandai sekali, karena Sharpai bercakap-cakap pakai Bahasa Indonesia!’


Sharpay isn’t quiet!

There is a girl.  Her name is Sharpay.

Sharpay always talks.  Sharpay talks constantly!

Sharpay goes to the Victa Cinema.

Ryan goes to the Victa Cinema too, because Ryan wants to watch a movie.

Sharpay always talks.  Sharpay talks constantly to Ryan.

Ryan says ‘Quiet!  Don’t talk!’

But Sharpay isn’t quiet.  The boss of the Victa Cinema comes and says ‘Out!’  Sharpay goes out.

Sharpay goes to the library.

Troy goes to the library too, because Troy wants to read a book.

Sharpay always talks.  Sharpay talks constantly to Troy.

Troy says ‘Quiet!  Don’t talk!’

But Sharpay isn’t quiet.  Miss Sarah comes and says ‘Out!’  Sharpay goes out.

Sharpay goes to the dentist, because she has a tooth ache.

Sharpay always talks.  Sharpay talks constantly to the dentist.

The dentist wants to see Sharpay’s teeth.  The dentist says ‘Quiet!  Don’t talk!’

But Sharpay isn’t quiet.  The dentist says ‘Out!’  Sharpay goes out.

Sharpay goes to school.  Sharpay always talks.

Sharpay talks constantly to Mr Robins.  Mr Robins wants to work.

Mr Robins says ‘Quiet!  Don’t talk!’

But Sharpay isn’t quiet.  Mr Robins says ‘Out!  Go to Ibu Sharon!’

Sharpay goes to Ibu Sharon’s class.

Sharpay always talks.  Sharpay talks constantly to Ibu Sharon.

Ibu Sharon says ‘Oh my gosh!  Sharpay is extraordinary and very clever because Sharpay is chatting in Indonesian!’


The receptions this term have a story from Anne McKelvie (terima kasih Anne 😉 called Lima buaya – Five crocodiles.  New words for students this term will include buaya-crocodile; menangis-cry; jatuh-fall; dan-and; kasihan-poor; tidak pandai-not clever; kelas-class.

Lima Buaya

Lima buaya berlari di kelas.  Satu jatuh dan menangis.  

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Kasihan! Tidak pandai berlari di kelas!’

Empat buaya berlari di kelas.  Satu jatuh dan menangis.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Kasihan!  Tidak pandai berlari di kelas!’

Tiga buaya belari di kelas.  Satu jatuh dan menangis.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Kasihan!  Tidak pandai berlari di kelas!’

Dua buaya berlari di kelas.  Satu jatuh dan menangis.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Kasihan!  Tidak pandai berlari di kelas!’

Satu buaya berlari di kelas.  Satu jatuh dan menangis.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Kasihan!  Tidak pandai berlari di kelas!’


Five Crocodiles

Five crocodiles were running in class.  One fell and cried.

Ibu Sharon said ‘Poor you!’  It’s not clever to run in class!’

Empat crocodiles were running in class.  One fell and cried.

Ibu Sharon said ‘Poor you!’  It’s not clever to run in class!’

Tiga crocodiles were running in class.  One fell and cried.

Ibu Sharon said ‘Poor you!’  It’s not clever to run in class!’

Dua crocodiles were running in class.  One fell and cried.

Ibu Sharon said ‘Poor you!’  It’s not clever to run in class!’

Satu crocodile was running in class.  One fell and cried.

Ibu Sharon said ‘Poor you!’  It’s not clever to run in class!’


Junior primary students this term will learn target vocab from a story called ‘Lucy mau jaket-Lucy wants a jacket.’  This story came to me from our amazing mentor teacher Catherina Greenberg (merci beaucoup Catherina)!  I only have year 1s using this story, but there an extended version for 2s and 3s.

Lucy dingin

Ada perempuan.  Nama dia Lucy.

Lucy dingin.  Lucy mau jaket.

Jaket Pak Robins terlalu besar.

Jaket monyet terlalu kecil.

Jaket Ibu Sharon pas.

Lucy pakai jaket.

Lucy berkata ‘Terima kasih Ibu Sharon.’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Sama-sama Lucy.’


Lucy is cold

There is a girl.  Her name is Lucy.

Lucy is cold.  Lucy wants a jacket.

Mr Robins jacket is too big.

Monkey’s jacket is too small.

Ibu Sharon’s jacket is just right.

Lucy wears the jacket.

Lucy says ‘Thank you Ibu Sharon.’

Ibu Sharon says ‘No problems Lucy.’


Term 3 2018

This term I have three stories going.  The Pantai story (adapted from a Leslie Davidson story) for the 4/5/6/7s.   A story called ‘Monyet suka pisang’ for the 1/2/3s and Anne McKelvie’s ‘Buaya makan Elsa’ for the receptions.  Fun stories targeting the common vocabulary in Indonesian and fun activities for remembering the vocabulary should make for some fun times in Indonesian lessons this term!


Pantai Story (adapted from Leslie Davidson)

Ada keluarga. Di keluarga itu ada satu bapak,satu anak laki-laki,

satu anak perempuan dan satu anjing.

Nama Bapak Fred.  Nama anak laki-laki Kermit.

Nama anak perempuan Pebbles dan nama anjing Scooby Doo.

Keluarga tinggal di Victor Harbor.


Pada hari Senin, Kermit, Pebbles dan Scooby Doo pergi ke pantai karena mau berenang.

Di pantai Kermit lihat satu ikan lumba-lumba. 

Kermit berkata ‘Halo ikan lumba-lumba!’ Ikan lumba-lumba itu tidak berkata! 

Ikan lumba-lumba itu bersilancar pakai surfboard!

Kermit dan Pebbles takut dan berlari pulang.  Scooby Doo menggongong terus.


Kermit dan Pebbles lihat Bapak dan berkata ‘Bapak! 

Ada satu ikan lumba-lumba di pantai bisa bersilancar pakai surfboard!’ 

Bapak berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Ikan lumba-lumba tidak bisa bersilancar pakai surfboard!’


Pada hari Selasa, Kermit, Pebbles dan Scooby Doo pergi ke pantai lagi. 

Pebbles lihat ikan hiu.  Pebbles berkata ‘Halo ikan hiu!’ 

Ikan hiu itu tidak berkata!  Ikan hiu itu berdansa! 

Kermit dan Pebbles takut dan berlari pulang.  Scooby Doo menggongong terus.


Kermit dan Pebbles lihat Bapak dan berkata ‘ Bapak!  

Ada satu ikan hiu di pantai bisa berdansa!’ 

Bapak berkata ‘Jangan gila!  Ikan hiu tidak bisa berdansa!’


Pada hari Rabu, Bapak, Kermit, Pebbles dan Scooby Doo pergi ke pantai lagi. 

Bapak mau lihat ikan paus dan ikan hiu!

Bapak lihat ikan lumba-lumba dan ikan hiu. Bapak berkata ‘Halo!’ 

Ikan lumba-lumba dan ikan hiu  menyanyi ‘Da na da na (Jaws)’

Bapak, Kermit dan Pebbles takut dan berlari pulang cepat sekali. 

Scooby Doo menggongong terus.


There is a family.  In that family there is one dad, one boy,

one girl and one dog.

The Dad’s name is Fred.  The boy’s name is Kermit.

The girl’s name is Pebbles and the dog’s name is Scooby Doo.

The family lives in Victor Harbor.

On Monday, Kermit, Pebbles and Scooby Doo go to the beach because (they) want to swim.

At the beach Kermit sees a dolphn.

Kermit says ‘Hello dolphin!’  The dolphin doesn’t talk!

The dolphin surfs using a surfboard!

Kermit and Pebbles are scared and run home.  Scooby Doo barks constantly.


Kermit and Pebbles see Dad and say ‘Dad!’

‘There is a dolphin at the beach that can surf using a surfboard!’

Dad says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Dolphins can’t surf using surfboards!’

On Tuesday Kermit, Pebbles and Scooby Doo go to the beach again.

Pebbles sees a shark.  Pebbles says ‘Hello shark!’  The shark doesn’t talk!  The shark dances!

Kermit and Pebbles are scared and run home.  Scooby Doo barks constantly.

Kermit and Pebbles see Dad and say ‘Dad!  There is a shark at the beach that can dance!’

Dad says ‘Don’t be crazy!  Sharks can’t dance!’

On Wednesday Dad, Kermit, Pebbles and Scooby Doo go to the beach again.

Dad wants to see the dolphin and the shark!  Dad sees the dolphin and the shark.  Dad says ‘Hello!’

The dolphin and the shark sing ‘Da na da na’

Dad, Kermit and Pebbles are scared and run home very fast.  Scooby Doo barks constantly.

The dolphin and the shark run home too because they want to live with the family!



Ini Monyet.

Monyet suka makan pisang.

Monyet ambil pisang perempuan.

Monyet ambil pisang laki-laki.

Monyet ambil pisang di piknik.

Monyet suka makan pisang.

Monyet suka makan es krim pisang.

Monyet suka makan pisang goreng.

Monyet suka makan pisang.

Perempuan berkata ‘Jangan ambil pisang Monyet.’

Perempuan punya ide.

Perempuan kasih Monyet banyak pisang.

Monyet makan satu pisang, dua pisang, tiga pisang, empat pisang, lima pisang.

Monyet makan banyak pisang.

Monyet sakit.

Monyet muntah!


Monkey likes Bananas

This is monkey.

Monkey likes to eat bananas.

Monkey takes the girls banana.

Monkey takes the boys banana.

Monkey takes a banana from the picnic.

Monkey likes to eat bananas.

Monkey likes banana ice cream.

Monkey likes fried bananas.

Monkey likes bananas.

The girl says ‘Don’t take the bananas Monkey!’

The girl has an idea.

The girl gives Monkey lots of bananas.

Monkey eats one banana, two bananas, three bananas, four bananas, five bananas.

Monkey eats lots of bananas.

Monkey feels sick.

Monkey vomits!


Harimau makan Elsa   (by Anne McKelvie- Indonesian Fun for Juniors)

Ada perempuan.  Nama dia Elsa. 

Ada harimau.  Harimau lapar.

Harimau lihat Elsa.  Harimau mau makan Elsa.

Elsa berlari ke pohon.  Harimau berlari ke pohon.

Elsa berlari ke rumah.  Harimau berlari ke rumah.

Harimau makan Elsa.  Aduh!!


Tiger eats Elsa

There is a girl.  Her name is Elsa.

There is a tiger.  The tiger is hungry.

The tiger sees Elsa.  The tiger wants to eat Elsa.

Elsa runs to a tree.  The tiger runs to the tree.

Elsa runs to a house.  The tiger runs to the house.

The tiger eats Elsa.  Oh no!!